martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Rueda verde: ¡reciclando zapatos!


Enviado por Jose M a través de Google Reader:


vía Modern Mechanix de Charlie el 2/03/10

Cast-off Shoes Make Tires for "Rough Rider" Bicycle
IF YOU don't know what to do with your old shoes, here's a suggestion—make bike wheels out of them. No less a unique stunt has been performed by Marie Glory, a well-known Parisian bicycling enthusiast, as the photo at left shows. The regular wheel has been dispensed with altogether, and the "shoe wheel" substituted.

Each shoe is fitted over a form, which is in turn attached to the ends of a spoke, of which there are six on each wheel. Although these bike wheels are the last word in novelty, it cannot be said that they are the last word in comfortable riding. The inventor, however, enjoys the sport.


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